Saturday, January 30, 2010

Battle of the Sexes

I've decided that one of the hardest things in the world is to have guy friends. Mostly because emotions always get in the way. Either you fall for them because their nice, or they fall for you because your nice. You might be fortunate enough to fall for each other at the same time, and if it works out that great, but if that happens, guy friends eventually get complicated because of marriage, and if it doesn't work out you don't have a guy friend. I currently have 3 guys I would consider friends, and two of them are married. They aren't friends that I talk on the phone with every night, or tell all my deepest secrets to, but they are people that grew with me at important times in our lives, and people I know that if I ever need someone, I can depend on them no questions asked. It's important to have these kind of friends in your life. But it's also important to have boundaries with them. Because no matter what anyone says, it's never healthy to have a guy be your best friend, unless you're married to him. There is just something about connecting with other girls who understand how girls work that you need that support system, and guys don have it. In the same light, it's important that guys not have a girl as their best friend unless their married to them. Because if you don't marry each other, then eventually you will marry someone else, and the person that position that they had for so long will be filled by another leaving you both in the lurch for emotional support. So make sure that you're closest friends are those of the same sex, at least until you get married.

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